Friday, May 22, 2015

Thou Shall Not Covet Thy Neighbor's Hydrangeas

Being the Southern girl that I am, it is probably no surprise that my most favorite plant is the <insert swoon> hydrangea. I would love to have a landscape that consisted solely of these beautiful blooms, but the resident landscaper does not share my love of these plants. Though I am often overruled when it comes to matters of landscape design at our home, make no mistake, I do make sure my opinions are heard. (Yes, I will pout and/or throw a tantrum, if need be) So, needless to say I do have a few (not nearly enough) of these southern staples in my yard.

The ones I do have are...well...terrible! They are full, green and lush, but sadly no blooms. So, when we head out for our nightly golf cart ride, I notice every single hydrangea in the neighborhood. It seems like everyone has the beautiful, confetti-like blooms, but me <insert tantrum>.  And I know this is a first world problem, but I am finding delight in photographing the ones that are blooming around me.

Here are a few good to know facts about hydrangeas. These shrubs are not very temperamental they can thrive in any soil. And what is so fabulous about these plants is how you can change the color of the blooms by changing elements in your soil. Hydrangeas do need sun, but preferably morning sun and afternoon shade.  The Oakleaf species can tolerate drought and can grow up to 6 or 8 feet tall, which makes it a good choice for a hedge. These plants are native to Georgia and can be found in the wild.

Intrigued about changing the color of your hydrangeas? I have included a link to an article from Southern Living on Redesigning Your Hydrangeas. It gives you step by step instructions on how to change the soil for a specific color to how to preserve the blooms in the winter. Don't have a green thumb, call us at (912) 267-6922, we can help you cultivate some new blooms.

Until then, share your love of hydrangeas with me via email or post pictures of your blooms on our Facebook page. I promise...I will be jealous!


1 comment:

  1. This is quite fascinating blog; the stuff has really allured me. Thanks a lot
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